Oak Provenances
Dispositif : BOM1 - T-TR-007
Number of trees : 672
Tree code | Plot code | Tree number in the provenance test | X coordinate of the tree | Y coordinate of the tree | Tree number in the P.U. | Part of the site | X2 coordinate of the tree | Y2 coordinate of the tree | Xm coordinate of the tree | Ym coordinate of the tree | Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) | Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) |
BOM1.4564.4 | BOM1.1 | 4564 | 4 | |||||||||
BOM1.4563.3 | BOM1.1 | 4563 | 3 | |||||||||
BOM1.4562.2 | BOM1.1 | 4562 | 2 | |||||||||
BOM1.4561.1 | BOM1.1 | 4561 | 1 | |||||||||
BOM1.4560.16 | BOM1.1 | 4560 | 16 | |||||||||
BOM1.4559.15 | BOM1.1 | 4559 | 15 | |||||||||
BOM1.4558.14 | BOM1.1 | 4558 | 14 | |||||||||
BOM1.4557.13 | BOM1.1 | 4557 | 13 | |||||||||
BOM1.4556.12 | BOM1.1 | 4556 | 12 | |||||||||
BOM1.4555.11 | BOM1.1 | 4555 | 11 | |||||||||
BOM1.4554.10 | BOM1.1 | 4554 | 10 | |||||||||
BOM1.4553.9 | BOM1.1 | 4553 | 9 | |||||||||
BOM1.4552.8 | BOM1.1 | 4552 | 8 | |||||||||
BOM1.4551.7 | BOM1.1 | 4551 | 7 | |||||||||
BOM1.4550.6 | BOM1.1 | 4550 | 6 | |||||||||
BOM1.4549.5 | BOM1.1 | 4549 | 5 | |||||||||
BOM1.4548.4 | BOM1.1 | 4548 | 4 | |||||||||
BOM1.4547.3 | BOM1.1 | 4547 | 3 | |||||||||
BOM1.4546.2 | BOM1.1 | 4546 | 2 | |||||||||
BOM1.4545.1 | BOM1.1 | 4545 | 1 |