Oak Provenances


Provenance : CZE002 - TVRDONICE

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
SI6.20.18 SI6.118.339 37042 20 18 c
SI6.9.8 SI6.115.339 35694 9 8 c
SI6.24.34 SI6.110.339 37554 24 34 c
SI6.45.21 SI6.100.339 40195 45 21 c
SI6.50.48 SI6.119.339 40834 50 48 c
SI6.56.16 SI6.113.339 41630 56 16 c
SI6.6.9 SI6.115.339 35335 6 9 c
SI6.22.34 SI6.110.339 37299 22 34 c
SI6.57.14 SI6.113.339 41766 57 14 c
SI6.22.33 SI6.110.339 37298 22 33 c
SI6.28.31 SI6.106.339 38051 28 31 c
SI6.33.22 SI6.102.339 38672 33 22 c
SI6.2.24 SI6.105.339 34969 2 24 c
SI6.42.20 SI6.100.339 39801 42 20 c
SI6.22.31 SI6.110.339 37296 22 31 c
SI6.54.18 SI6.113.339 41356 54 18 c
SI6.35.38 SI6.109.339 38934 35 38 c
SI6.4.21 SI6.105.339 35155 4 21 c
SI6.26.35 SI6.106.339 37800 26 35 c
SI6.23.31 SI6.110.339 37423 23 31 c