Oak Provenances


Provenance : FRA046 - HASLASH

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC4.61.62 VC4.98.226 15812 61 62 b
VC4.61.61 VC4.98.226 15811 61 61 b
VC4.60.66 VC4.98.226 15672 60 66 b
VC4.60.65 VC4.98.226 15671 60 65 b
VC4.60.64 VC4.98.226 15670 60 64 b
VC4.60.63 VC4.98.226 15669 60 63 b
VC4.60.62 VC4.98.226 15668 60 62 b
VC4.60.61 VC4.98.226 15667 60 61 b
VC4.59.66 VC4.98.226 15528 59 66 b
VC4.59.65 VC4.98.226 15527 59 65 b
VC4.59.64 VC4.98.226 15526 59 64 b
VC4.59.63 VC4.98.226 15525 59 63 b
VC4.59.62 VC4.98.226 15524 59 62 b
VC4.59.61 VC4.98.226 15523 59 61 b
VC4.58.66 VC4.98.226 15384 58 66 b
VC4.58.65 VC4.98.226 15383 58 65 b
VC4.58.64 VC4.98.226 15382 58 64 b
VC4.58.63 VC4.98.226 15381 58 63 b
VC4.58.62 VC4.98.226 15380 58 62 b
VC4.58.61 VC4.98.226 15379 58 61 b