Oak Provenances


Provenance : FRA048 - LA_HAIE_RENAUT

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC4.70.100 VC4.96.201 17134 70 100 b
VC4.70.99 VC4.96.201 17133 70 99 b
VC4.70.98 VC4.96.201 17132 70 98 b
VC4.70.97 VC4.96.201 17131 70 97 b
VC4.65.30 VC4.83.201 16368 65 30 b
VC4.65.29 VC4.83.201 16367 65 29 b
VC4.65.28 VC4.83.201 16366 65 28 b
VC4.65.27 VC4.83.201 16365 65 27 b
VC4.65.26 VC4.83.201 16364 65 26 b
VC4.65.25 VC4.83.201 16363 65 25 b
VC4.64.30 VC4.83.201 16224 64 30 b
VC4.64.29 VC4.83.201 16223 64 29 b
VC4.64.28 VC4.83.201 16222 64 28 b
VC4.64.27 VC4.83.201 16221 64 27 b
VC4.64.26 VC4.83.201 16220 64 26 b
VC4.64.25 VC4.83.201 16219 64 25 b
VC4.63.30 VC4.83.201 16080 63 30 b
VC4.63.29 VC4.83.201 16079 63 29 b
VC4.63.28 VC4.83.201 16078 63 28 b
VC4.63.27 VC4.83.201 16077 63 27 b