Oak Provenances
Climatic variables
Dispositif code | Provenance test code | Variable name | Variable name_Month | Variable description | Unit | Number of measures |
WAL1 | T-DE-002 | tmin | tmin_8 | Min temperature of the 8 month of the year | °C | 3 |
WAL1 | T-DE-002 | tmin | tmin_9 | Min temperature of the 9 month of the year | °C | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | ISO | ISO | Isothermality ( Mean Diurnal Range/Temperature Annual Range) (* 100) | % | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | MAP | MAP | Mean Annual Precipitation | mm | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | MAT | MAT | Mean Annual Temperature | °C | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | MDR | MDR | Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)) | °C | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | MTColQ | MTColQ | Mean Temperature of the Coldest Quarter | °C | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | MTDryQ | MTDryQ | Mean Temperature of the Driest Quarter | °C | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | MTWarQ | MTWarQ | Mean Temperature of the Warmest Quarter | °C | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | MTWetQ | MTWetQ | Mean Temperature of the Wettest Quarter | °C | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | MaxWM | MaxWM | Max Temperature of the Warmest Month | °C | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | MinCM | MinCM | Min Temperature of the Coldest Month | °C | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | PColQ | PColQ | Precipitation of the Coldest Quarter | mm | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | PDryM | PDryM | Precipitation of the Driest Month | mm | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | PDryQ | PDryQ | Precipitation of the Driest Quarter | mm | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | PWarQ | PWarQ | Precipitation of the Driest Month | mm | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | PWetM | PWetM | Precipitation of the Wettest Month | mm | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | PWetQ | PWetQ | Precipitation of the Wettest Quarter | mm | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | Psea | Psea | Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation) | dimensionless | 3 |
WIE1 | T-DE-101 | SEA | SEA | Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100) | °C*100 | 3 |