Oak Provenances


Dispositif : KO1 - T-PL-001

No : 1 / Campaign : 0 / Growing year : 1992

Proportion of germinated acorns, Weight of 100 acorns

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree survival code  Tree belonging to the provenance ?  Tree has been thinned out ?  Information on survival or causes of lack of data in field measurements  Comments Measure number Trait Measure value
KO1.1080.55 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1081.56 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1082.57 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1083.58 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1084.59 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1085.60 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1086.61 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1087.62 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1088.63 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1089.64 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1090.1 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1091.2 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1092.3 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1093.4 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1094.5 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1095.6 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1096.7 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1097.8 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1098.9 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304
KO1.1099.10 KO1.1 -3 -3 1 Wa 304