Oak Provenances
Dispositif : VZ5 - T-FR-014
Number of trees : 5184
Tree code | Plot code | Tree number in the provenance test | X coordinate of the tree | Y coordinate of the tree | Tree number in the P.U. | Part of the site | X2 coordinate of the tree | Y2 coordinate of the tree | Xm coordinate of the tree | Ym coordinate of the tree | Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) | Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) |
VZ5.4.201 | VZ5.26.302 | 5164 | 4 | 201 | b | |||||||
VZ5.4.200 | VZ5.26.302 | 5163 | 4 | 200 | b | |||||||
VZ5.4.199 | VZ5.26.302 | 5162 | 4 | 199 | b | |||||||
VZ5.4.198 | VZ5.26.302 | 5161 | 4 | 198 | b | |||||||
VZ5.5.198 | VZ5.26.305 | 5160 | 5 | 198 | b | |||||||
VZ5.5.199 | VZ5.26.305 | 5159 | 5 | 199 | b | |||||||
VZ5.5.200 | VZ5.26.305 | 5158 | 5 | 200 | b | |||||||
VZ5.5.201 | VZ5.26.305 | 5157 | 5 | 201 | b | |||||||
VZ5.5.202 | VZ5.26.305 | 5156 | 5 | 202 | b | |||||||
VZ5.5.203 | VZ5.26.305 | 5155 | 5 | 203 | b | |||||||
VZ5.6.203 | VZ5.26.305 | 5154 | 6 | 203 | b | |||||||
VZ5.6.202 | VZ5.26.305 | 5153 | 6 | 202 | b | |||||||
VZ5.6.201 | VZ5.26.305 | 5152 | 6 | 201 | b | |||||||
VZ5.6.200 | VZ5.26.305 | 5151 | 6 | 200 | b | |||||||
VZ5.6.199 | VZ5.26.305 | 5150 | 6 | 199 | b | |||||||
VZ5.6.198 | VZ5.26.305 | 5149 | 6 | 198 | b | |||||||
VZ5.7.198 | VZ5.26.305 | 5148 | 7 | 198 | b | |||||||
VZ5.7.199 | VZ5.26.305 | 5147 | 7 | 199 | b | |||||||
VZ5.7.200 | VZ5.26.305 | 5146 | 7 | 200 | b | |||||||
VZ5.7.201 | VZ5.26.305 | 5145 | 7 | 201 | b |