Oak Provenances


Dispositif : BOM1 - T-TR-007

Number of trees : 672

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
BOM1.4644.4 BOM1.1 4644 4
BOM1.4643.3 BOM1.1 4643 3
BOM1.4642.2 BOM1.1 4642 2
BOM1.4641.1 BOM1.1 4641 1
BOM1.4640.16 BOM1.1 4640 16
BOM1.4639.15 BOM1.1 4639 15
BOM1.4638.14 BOM1.1 4638 14
BOM1.4637.13 BOM1.1 4637 13
BOM1.4636.12 BOM1.1 4636 12
BOM1.4635.11 BOM1.1 4635 11
BOM1.4634.10 BOM1.1 4634 10
BOM1.4633.9 BOM1.1 4633 9
BOM1.4632.8 BOM1.1 4632 8
BOM1.4631.7 BOM1.1 4631 7
BOM1.4630.6 BOM1.1 4630 6
BOM1.4629.5 BOM1.1 4629 5
BOM1.4628.4 BOM1.1 4628 4
BOM1.4627.3 BOM1.1 4627 3
BOM1.4626.2 BOM1.1 4626 2
BOM1.4625.1 BOM1.1 4625 1