Oak Provenances


Dispositif : FD1 - T-GB-004

Number of trees : 29700

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
FD1.159589.36 FD1.1 159589 36
FD1.159588.35 FD1.1 159588 35
FD1.159587.34 FD1.1 159587 34
FD1.159586.33 FD1.1 159586 33
FD1.159585.32 FD1.1 159585 32
FD1.159584.31 FD1.1 159584 31
FD1.159583.30 FD1.1 159583 30
FD1.159582.29 FD1.1 159582 29
FD1.159581.28 FD1.1 159581 28
FD1.159580.27 FD1.1 159580 27
FD1.159579.26 FD1.1 159579 26
FD1.159578.25 FD1.1 159578 25
FD1.159577.24 FD1.1 159577 24
FD1.159576.23 FD1.1 159576 23
FD1.159575.22 FD1.1 159575 22
FD1.159574.21 FD1.1 159574 21
FD1.159573.20 FD1.1 159573 20
FD1.159572.19 FD1.1 159572 19
FD1.159571.18 FD1.1 159571 18
FD1.159570.17 FD1.1 159570 17