Oak Provenances
Dispositif : KO1 - T-PL-001
Number of trees : 39424
Tree code | Plot code | Tree number in the provenance test | X coordinate of the tree | Y coordinate of the tree | Tree number in the P.U. | Part of the site | X2 coordinate of the tree | Y2 coordinate of the tree | Xm coordinate of the tree | Ym coordinate of the tree | Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) | Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) |
KO1.9963.42 | KO1.1 | 9963 | 42 | |||||||||
KO1.9962.41 | KO1.1 | 9962 | 41 | |||||||||
KO1.9961.40 | KO1.1 | 9961 | 40 | |||||||||
KO1.9960.39 | KO1.1 | 9960 | 39 | |||||||||
KO1.9959.38 | KO1.1 | 9959 | 38 | |||||||||
KO1.9958.37 | KO1.1 | 9958 | 37 | |||||||||
KO1.9957.36 | KO1.1 | 9957 | 36 | |||||||||
KO1.9956.35 | KO1.1 | 9956 | 35 | |||||||||
KO1.9955.34 | KO1.1 | 9955 | 34 | |||||||||
KO1.9954.33 | KO1.1 | 9954 | 33 | |||||||||
KO1.995.34 | KO1.1 | 995 | 34 | |||||||||
KO1.9953.32 | KO1.1 | 9953 | 32 | |||||||||
KO1.9952.31 | KO1.1 | 9952 | 31 | |||||||||
KO1.9951.30 | KO1.1 | 9951 | 30 | |||||||||
KO1.9950.29 | KO1.1 | 9950 | 29 | |||||||||
KO1.9949.28 | KO1.1 | 9949 | 28 | |||||||||
KO1.9948.27 | KO1.1 | 9948 | 27 | |||||||||
KO1.9947.26 | KO1.1 | 9947 | 26 | |||||||||
KO1.9946.25 | KO1.1 | 9946 | 25 | |||||||||
KO1.9945.24 | KO1.1 | 9945 | 24 |