Oak Provenances


Dispositif : VZ1 - T-FR-002

Number of trees : 5766

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VZ1.164.64 VZ1.26.18 5746 164 64 a
VZ1.164.63 VZ1.26.18 5745 164 63 a
VZ1.164.62 VZ1.26.18 5744 164 62 a
VZ1.164.61 VZ1.26.18 5743 164 61 a
VZ1.164.60 VZ1.26.13 5742 164 60 a
VZ1.164.59 VZ1.26.13 5741 164 59 a
VZ1.164.58 VZ1.26.13 5740 164 58 a
VZ1.164.57 VZ1.26.13 5739 164 57 a
VZ1.164.56 VZ1.26.13 5738 164 56 a
VZ1.164.55 VZ1.26.13 5737 164 55 a
VZ1.164.54 VZ1.26.1 5736 164 54 a
VZ1.164.53 VZ1.26.1 5735 164 53 a
VZ1.164.52 VZ1.26.1 5734 164 52 a
VZ1.164.51 VZ1.26.1 5733 164 51 a
VZ1.164.50 VZ1.26.1 5732 164 50 a
VZ1.164.49 VZ1.26.1 5731 164 49 a
VZ1.164.48 VZ1.26.11 5730 164 48 a
VZ1.164.47 VZ1.26.11 5729 164 47 a
VZ1.164.46 VZ1.26.11 5728 164 46 a
VZ1.164.45 VZ1.26.11 5727 164 45 a