Oak Provenances
Dispositif : VZ2 - T-FR-006
Number of trees : 11424
Tree code | Plot code | Tree number in the provenance test | X coordinate of the tree | Y coordinate of the tree | Tree number in the P.U. | Part of the site | X2 coordinate of the tree | Y2 coordinate of the tree | Xm coordinate of the tree | Ym coordinate of the tree | Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) | Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) |
VZ2.133.160 | VZ2.38.104 | 11428 | 133 | 160 | a | |||||||
VZ2.133.159 | VZ2.38.104 | 11427 | 133 | 159 | a | |||||||
VZ2.133.158 | VZ2.38.104 | 11426 | 133 | 158 | a | |||||||
VZ2.133.157 | VZ2.38.104 | 11425 | 133 | 157 | a | |||||||
VZ2.132.157 | VZ2.38.40 | 11424 | 132 | 157 | a | |||||||
VZ2.132.158 | VZ2.38.40 | 11423 | 132 | 158 | a | |||||||
VZ2.132.159 | VZ2.38.40 | 11422 | 132 | 159 | a | |||||||
VZ2.132.160 | VZ2.38.40 | 11421 | 132 | 160 | a | |||||||
VZ2.132.161 | VZ2.38.40 | 11420 | 132 | 161 | a | |||||||
VZ2.132.162 | VZ2.38.40 | 11419 | 132 | 162 | a | |||||||
VZ2.131.162 | VZ2.38.40 | 11418 | 131 | 162 | a | |||||||
VZ2.131.161 | VZ2.38.40 | 11417 | 131 | 161 | a | |||||||
VZ2.131.160 | VZ2.38.40 | 11416 | 131 | 160 | a | |||||||
VZ2.131.159 | VZ2.38.40 | 11415 | 131 | 159 | a | |||||||
VZ2.131.158 | VZ2.38.40 | 11414 | 131 | 158 | a | |||||||
VZ2.131.157 | VZ2.38.40 | 11413 | 131 | 157 | a | |||||||
VZ2.130.157 | VZ2.38.40 | 11412 | 130 | 157 | a | |||||||
VZ2.130.158 | VZ2.38.40 | 11411 | 130 | 158 | a | |||||||
VZ2.130.159 | VZ2.38.40 | 11410 | 130 | 159 | a | |||||||
VZ2.130.160 | VZ2.38.40 | 11409 | 130 | 160 | a |