Oak Provenances


Dispositif : VC2 - T-FR-007

Number of trees : 10392

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC2.51.244 VC2.12.47 10372 51 244 a
VC2.51.243 VC2.12.47 10371 51 243 a
VC2.51.242 VC2.12.47 10370 51 242 a
VC2.51.241 VC2.12.47 10369 51 241 a
VC2.50.241 VC2.12.126 10368 50 241 a
VC2.50.242 VC2.12.126 10367 50 242 a
VC2.50.243 VC2.12.126 10366 50 243 a
VC2.50.244 VC2.12.126 10365 50 244 a
VC2.50.245 VC2.12.126 10364 50 245 a
VC2.50.246 VC2.12.126 10363 50 246 a
VC2.49.246 VC2.12.126 10362 49 246 a
VC2.49.245 VC2.12.126 10361 49 245 a
VC2.49.244 VC2.12.126 10360 49 244 a
VC2.49.243 VC2.12.126 10359 49 243 a
VC2.49.242 VC2.12.126 10358 49 242 a
VC2.49.241 VC2.12.126 10357 49 241 a
VC2.48.241 VC2.12.126 10356 48 241 a
VC2.48.242 VC2.12.126 10355 48 242 a
VC2.48.243 VC2.12.126 10354 48 243 a
VC2.48.244 VC2.12.126 10353 48 244 a