Oak Provenances
Dispositif : VC2 - T-FR-007
Number of trees : 10392
Tree code | Plot code | Tree number in the provenance test | X coordinate of the tree | Y coordinate of the tree | Tree number in the P.U. | Part of the site | X2 coordinate of the tree | Y2 coordinate of the tree | Xm coordinate of the tree | Ym coordinate of the tree | Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) | Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) |
VC2.51.244 | VC2.12.47 | 10372 | 51 | 244 | a | |||||||
VC2.51.243 | VC2.12.47 | 10371 | 51 | 243 | a | |||||||
VC2.51.242 | VC2.12.47 | 10370 | 51 | 242 | a | |||||||
VC2.51.241 | VC2.12.47 | 10369 | 51 | 241 | a | |||||||
VC2.50.241 | VC2.12.126 | 10368 | 50 | 241 | a | |||||||
VC2.50.242 | VC2.12.126 | 10367 | 50 | 242 | a | |||||||
VC2.50.243 | VC2.12.126 | 10366 | 50 | 243 | a | |||||||
VC2.50.244 | VC2.12.126 | 10365 | 50 | 244 | a | |||||||
VC2.50.245 | VC2.12.126 | 10364 | 50 | 245 | a | |||||||
VC2.50.246 | VC2.12.126 | 10363 | 50 | 246 | a | |||||||
VC2.49.246 | VC2.12.126 | 10362 | 49 | 246 | a | |||||||
VC2.49.245 | VC2.12.126 | 10361 | 49 | 245 | a | |||||||
VC2.49.244 | VC2.12.126 | 10360 | 49 | 244 | a | |||||||
VC2.49.243 | VC2.12.126 | 10359 | 49 | 243 | a | |||||||
VC2.49.242 | VC2.12.126 | 10358 | 49 | 242 | a | |||||||
VC2.49.241 | VC2.12.126 | 10357 | 49 | 241 | a | |||||||
VC2.48.241 | VC2.12.126 | 10356 | 48 | 241 | a | |||||||
VC2.48.242 | VC2.12.126 | 10355 | 48 | 242 | a | |||||||
VC2.48.243 | VC2.12.126 | 10354 | 48 | 243 | a | |||||||
VC2.48.244 | VC2.12.126 | 10353 | 48 | 244 | a |