Oak Provenances

GDPR : General Data Protection Regulation

Methods for the circulation of information

The UMR BIOGECO 1202 focuses its research programme on the analysis of the structure, function and evolution of biodiversity at different scales of life (from genes to communities of organisms) with a view to the sustainable management of resources and environments. This unit is located in Cestas (33610), 69 Route d'Arcachon.

The UMR BIOGECO provides several information systems, including the Quercus and Pinus portals, which are accessible online and open to the public. These two information systems are dedicated to genetic and genomic resources for these two genus, and offer access to several distinct databases. The data integrated in these various databases are submitted to the administrator, either directly online or by e-mail. In both cases (integration of data and metadata of forest devices, genotypes, phenotypes, plant material), the personal data collected related to the persons submitting their data are recorded and processed in a "Partners" file, on the NAS synology of the unit. These partners also have the possibility to create an account to authenticate themselves on the access portals to certain databases. This file allows us to manage and track all the personal information recorded.

The data collected

Types of data stored

Identity: Title, surname, first name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, unit, GPS coordinates

Recipients of data

The UMR BIOGECO database administrator is the recipient of all data categories.

Duration of data storage

Data kept without time limit in the databases, e-mails and unit NAS. To ensure data traceability, these data are stored without any time limitation.

Your rights

The personal information you provide is reserved for the use of UMR BIOGECO and will not be communicated to third parties. The information collected will be kept in the best conditions of security and confidentiality in the databases and servers of UMR BIOGECO, during the entire life of the data in the databases, and when the account is opened.

In accordance with the European Regulation on the protection of personal data (European Regulation 2016/679), you have the right to access, rectify, oppose and delete information concerning you. If you wish to exercise this right and obtain communication of the information concerning you, please contact us at this address :

François Ehrenmann for UMR BIOGECO by :
Mail : francois.ehrenmann@inrae.fr
Telephone: 05-35-38-53-35
Postal address: INRAE - Campus de recherche & Innovation Forêt-Bois, 69 route d'Arcachon, 33610 Cestas, FRANCE

If, after contacting the UMR BIOGECO, you consider that your rights with regard to information technology and civil liberties have not been respected, you may lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority such as the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) by mail "Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés - 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07 or online at http://www.cnil.fr/

UMR BIOGECO is assisted by the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of its parent institution INRAE. She can be contacted by email at cil-dpo@inrae.fr or by mail at INRAE, 24 chemin de Borde Rouge, Auzeville, CS52627, 31326 CASTANET TOLOSAN CEDEX, France.