Oak Provenances

Plot card


Dispositif code : PC5

Provenance test code : (T-FR-013)

Main features

Repeat number in the slice 2
Measuring Block Number (8 unit plots) 11
Seed lot code (ONF) 307
X coordinates of the middle of the unit plot 8,5
Y coordinates of the middle of the unit plot 17,5
Number of years of delay of the plantation in relation to the slice 0
X2 coordinates of the middle of the unit plot 8.5
Y2 coordinates of the middle of the unit plot 17.5
Xm coordinates of the middle of the unit plot 1025.5
Ym coordinates of the middle of the unit plot 1030.625
X coordinates of the middle of the unit plot (Lambert 93) -
Ym coordinates of the middle of the unit plot (Lambert 93) -
Accuracy of plant coordinate estimation (Lambert 93) oui
Distance between two rows of this plot 3
Distance between two trees in the same row of this plot 1.75