Oak Provenances
Plot card
Dispositif code : PC1
Provenance test code : (T-FR-001)
Main features
Repeat number in the slice | 2 |
Measuring Block Number (8 unit plots) | 12 |
Seed lot code (ONF) | 17 |
X coordinates of the middle of the unit plot | 50,5 |
Y coordinates of the middle of the unit plot | 45,5 |
Number of years of delay of the plantation in relation to the slice | 0 |
X2 coordinates of the middle of the unit plot | -52.5 |
Y2 coordinates of the middle of the unit plot | 47.5 |
Xm coordinates of the middle of the unit plot | -157.5 |
Ym coordinates of the middle of the unit plot | 83.125 |
X coordinates of the middle of the unit plot (Lambert 93) | - |
Ym coordinates of the middle of the unit plot (Lambert 93) | - |
Accuracy of plant coordinate estimation (Lambert 93) | oui |
Distance between two rows of this plot | 3 |
Distance between two trees in the same row of this plot | 1.75 |