Oak Provenances


Provenance : CZE002 - TVRDONICE

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC5.20.169 VC5.37.339 7104 20 169 c
VC5.20.170 VC5.37.339 7103 20 170 c
VC5.20.171 VC5.37.339 7102 20 171 c
VC5.20.172 VC5.37.339 7101 20 172 c
VC5.20.173 VC5.37.339 7100 20 173 c
VC5.20.174 VC5.37.339 7099 20 174 c
VC5.19.174 VC5.37.339 7098 19 174 c
VC5.19.173 VC5.37.339 7097 19 173 c
VC5.19.172 VC5.37.339 7096 19 172 c
VC5.19.171 VC5.37.339 7095 19 171 c
VC5.19.170 VC5.37.339 7094 19 170 c
VC5.19.169 VC5.37.339 7093 19 169 c
VC5.18.169 VC5.37.339 7092 18 169 c
VC5.18.170 VC5.37.339 7091 18 170 c
VC5.18.171 VC5.37.339 7090 18 171 c
VC5.18.172 VC5.37.339 7089 18 172 c
VC5.18.173 VC5.37.339 7088 18 173 c
VC5.18.174 VC5.37.339 7087 18 174 c
VC5.17.174 VC5.37.339 7086 17 174 c
VC5.17.173 VC5.37.339 7085 17 173 c