Oak Provenances


Provenance : CZE002 - TVRDONICE

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC5.19.52 VC5.26.339 4984 19 52 b
VC5.19.51 VC5.26.339 4983 19 51 b
VC5.19.50 VC5.26.339 4982 19 50 b
VC5.19.49 VC5.26.339 4981 19 49 b
VC5.18.49 VC5.26.339 4980 18 49 b
VC5.18.50 VC5.26.339 4979 18 50 b
VC5.18.51 VC5.26.339 4978 18 51 b
VC5.18.52 VC5.26.339 4977 18 52 b
VC5.18.53 VC5.26.339 4976 18 53 b
VC5.18.54 VC5.26.339 4975 18 54 b
VC5.17.54 VC5.26.339 4974 17 54 b
VC5.17.53 VC5.26.339 4973 17 53 b
VC5.17.52 VC5.26.339 4972 17 52 b
VC5.17.51 VC5.26.339 4971 17 51 b
VC5.17.50 VC5.26.339 4970 17 50 b
VC5.17.49 VC5.26.339 4969 17 49 b
VC5.56.139 VC5.19.339 3648 56 139 b
VC5.56.140 VC5.19.339 3647 56 140 b
VC5.56.141 VC5.19.339 3646 56 141 b
VC5.56.142 VC5.19.339 3645 56 142 b