Oak Provenances


Provenance : CZE002 - TVRDONICE

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC5.48.127 VC5.17.339 3264 48 127 b
VC5.48.128 VC5.17.339 3263 48 128 b
VC5.48.129 VC5.17.339 3262 48 129 b
VC5.48.130 VC5.17.339 3261 48 130 b
VC5.48.131 VC5.17.339 3260 48 131 b
VC5.48.132 VC5.17.339 3259 48 132 b
VC5.47.132 VC5.17.339 3258 47 132 b
VC5.47.131 VC5.17.339 3257 47 131 b
VC5.47.130 VC5.17.339 3256 47 130 b
VC5.47.129 VC5.17.339 3255 47 129 b
VC5.47.128 VC5.17.339 3254 47 128 b
VC5.47.127 VC5.17.339 3253 47 127 b
VC5.46.127 VC5.17.339 3252 46 127 b
VC5.46.128 VC5.17.339 3251 46 128 b
VC5.46.129 VC5.17.339 3250 46 129 b
VC5.46.130 VC5.17.339 3249 46 130 b
VC5.46.131 VC5.17.339 3248 46 131 b
VC5.46.132 VC5.17.339 3247 46 132 b
VC5.45.132 VC5.17.339 3246 45 132 b
VC5.45.131 VC5.17.339 3245 45 131 b