Oak Provenances
Provenance : CZE002 - TVRDONICE
Tree code | Plot code | Tree number in the provenance test | X coordinate of the tree | Y coordinate of the tree | Tree number in the P.U. | Part of the site | X2 coordinate of the tree | Y2 coordinate of the tree | Xm coordinate of the tree | Ym coordinate of the tree | Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) | Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) |
SI6.28.35 | SI6.106.339 | 38055 | 28 | 35 | c | |||||||
SI6.37.38 | SI6.109.339 | 39186 | 37 | 38 | c | |||||||
SI6.27.34 | SI6.106.339 | 37928 | 27 | 34 | c | |||||||
SI6.54.14 | SI6.113.339 | 41352 | 54 | 14 | c | |||||||
SI6.56.14 | SI6.113.339 | 41628 | 56 | 14 | c | |||||||
SI6.55.16 | SI6.113.339 | 41492 | 55 | 16 | c | |||||||
SI6.45.20 | SI6.100.339 | 40194 | 45 | 20 | c | |||||||
SI6.23.32 | SI6.110.339 | 37424 | 23 | 32 | c | |||||||
SI6.33.21 | SI6.102.339 | 38671 | 33 | 21 | c | |||||||
SI6.25.34 | SI6.110.339 | 37676 | 25 | 34 | c | |||||||
SI6.4.19 | SI6.105.339 | 35153 | 4 | 19 | c | |||||||
SI6.25.35 | SI6.110.339 | 37677 | 25 | 35 | c | |||||||
SI6.53.47 | SI6.119.339 | 41246 | 53 | 47 | c | |||||||
SI6.3.24 | SI6.105.339 | 35065 | 3 | 24 | c | |||||||
SI6.54.15 | SI6.113.339 | 41353 | 54 | 15 | c | |||||||
SI6.42.19 | SI6.100.339 | 39800 | 42 | 19 | c | |||||||
SI6.55.14 | SI6.113.339 | 41490 | 55 | 14 | c | |||||||
SI6.3.23 | SI6.105.339 | 35064 | 3 | 23 | c | |||||||
SI6.6.10 | SI6.115.339 | 35336 | 6 | 10 | c | |||||||
SI6.42.21 | SI6.100.339 | 39802 | 42 | 21 | c |