Oak Provenances


Provenance : CZE002 - TVRDONICE

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC5.30.37 VC5.13.339 2484 30 37 b
VC5.30.38 VC5.13.339 2483 30 38 b
VC5.30.39 VC5.13.339 2482 30 39 b
VC5.30.40 VC5.13.339 2481 30 40 b
VC5.30.41 VC5.13.339 2480 30 41 b
VC5.30.42 VC5.13.339 2479 30 42 b
VC5.29.42 VC5.13.339 2478 29 42 b
VC5.29.41 VC5.13.339 2477 29 41 b
VC5.29.40 VC5.13.339 2476 29 40 b
VC5.29.39 VC5.13.339 2475 29 39 b
VC5.29.38 VC5.13.339 2474 29 38 b
VC5.29.37 VC5.13.339 2473 29 37 b
VC5.24.31 VC5.8.339 1536 24 31 b
VC5.24.32 VC5.8.339 1535 24 32 b
VC5.24.33 VC5.8.339 1534 24 33 b
VC5.24.34 VC5.8.339 1533 24 34 b
VC5.24.35 VC5.8.339 1532 24 35 b
VC5.24.36 VC5.8.339 1531 24 36 b
VC5.23.36 VC5.8.339 1530 23 36 b
VC5.23.35 VC5.8.339 1529 23 35 b