Oak Provenances


Provenance : CZE002 - TVRDONICE

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC5.60.17 VC5.5.339 956 60 17 b
VC5.60.18 VC5.5.339 955 60 18 b
VC5.59.18 VC5.5.339 954 59 18 b
VC5.59.17 VC5.5.339 953 59 17 b
VC5.59.16 VC5.5.339 952 59 16 b
VC5.59.15 VC5.5.339 951 59 15 b
VC5.59.14 VC5.5.339 950 59 14 b
VC5.59.13 VC5.5.339 949 59 13 b
VC5.58.13 VC5.5.339 948 58 13 b
VC5.58.14 VC5.5.339 947 58 14 b
VC5.58.15 VC5.5.339 946 58 15 b
VC5.58.16 VC5.5.339 945 58 16 b
VC5.58.17 VC5.5.339 944 58 17 b
VC5.58.18 VC5.5.339 943 58 18 b
VC5.57.18 VC5.5.339 942 57 18 b
VC5.57.17 VC5.5.339 941 57 17 b
VC5.57.16 VC5.5.339 940 57 16 b
VC5.57.15 VC5.5.339 939 57 15 b
VC5.57.14 VC5.5.339 938 57 14 b
VC5.57.13 VC5.5.339 937 57 13 b