Oak Provenances


Provenance : FRA054 - MEES

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
SI6.10.6 SI6.107.318 35812 10 6 c
SI6.55.54 SI6.101.318 41530 55 54 c
SI6.3.2 SI6.105.318 35043 3 2 c
SI6.3.5 SI6.105.318 35046 3 5 c
SI6.69.43 SI6.104.318 43403 69 43 c
SI6.56.51 SI6.101.318 41665 56 51 c
SI6.10.2 SI6.107.318 35808 10 2 c
SI6.5.4 SI6.105.318 35234 5 4 c
SI6.66.44 SI6.104.318 42990 66 44 c
SI6.2.4 SI6.105.318 34949 2 4 c
SI6.69.44 SI6.104.318 43404 69 44 c
SI6.67.43 SI6.104.318 43127 67 43 c
SI6.54.51 SI6.101.318 41389 54 51 c
SI6.2.3 SI6.105.318 34948 2 3 c
SI6.2.2 SI6.105.318 34947 2 2 c
SI6.69.45 SI6.104.318 43405 69 45 c
SI6.2.6 SI6.105.318 34951 2 6 c
SI6.4.3 SI6.105.318 35137 4 3 c
SI6.13.4 SI6.107.318 36170 13 4 c
SI6.54.50 SI6.101.318 41388 54 50 c