Oak Provenances


Provenance : FRA054 - MEES

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
SI6.68.46 SI6.104.318 43268 68 46 c
SI6.2.1 SI6.105.318 34946 2 1 c
SI6.3.1 SI6.105.318 35042 3 1 c
SI6.4.4 SI6.105.318 35138 4 4 c
SI6.66.46 SI6.104.318 42992 66 46 c
SI6.57.54 SI6.101.318 41806 57 54 c
SI6.68.43 SI6.104.318 43265 68 43 c
SI6.54.54 SI6.101.318 41392 54 54 c
SI6.54.53 SI6.101.318 41391 54 53 c
SI6.67.47 SI6.104.318 43131 67 47 c
SI6.4.2 SI6.105.318 35136 4 2 c
SI6.69.48 SI6.104.318 43408 69 48 c
SI6.5.6 SI6.105.318 35236 5 6 c
SI6.67.46 SI6.104.318 43130 67 46 c
SI6.67.48 SI6.104.318 43132 67 48 c
SI6.69.47 SI6.104.318 43407 69 47 c
SI6.68.48 SI6.104.318 43270 68 48 c
SI6.10.5 SI6.107.318 35811 10 5 c
SI6.13.3 SI6.107.318 36169 13 3 c
SI6.11.2 SI6.107.318 35928 11 2 c