Oak Provenances


Provenance : CZE003 - CHUDENICE

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
SI6.55.19 SI6.113.340 41495 55 19 c
SI6.60.31 SI6.112.340 42185 60 31 c
SI6.17.12 SI6.103.340 36676 17 12 c
SI6.14.7 SI6.103.340 36293 14 7 c
SI6.60.34 SI6.112.340 42188 60 34 c
SI6.15.11 SI6.103.340 36423 15 11 c
SI6.27.11 SI6.106.340 37905 27 11 c
SI6.25.28 SI6.110.340 37670 25 28 c
SI6.6.17 SI6.115.340 35343 6 17 c
SI6.17.7 SI6.103.340 36671 17 7 c
SI6.41.31 SI6.117.340 39683 41 31 c
SI6.56.20 SI6.113.340 41634 56 20 c
SI6.60.32 SI6.112.340 42186 60 32 c
SI6.19.35 SI6.118.340 36939 19 35 c
SI6.39.34 SI6.117.340 39434 39 34 c
SI6.40.33 SI6.117.340 39559 40 33 c
SI6.29.12 SI6.106.340 38158 29 12 c
SI6.31.29 SI6.102.340 38427 31 29 c
SI6.27.4 SI6.106.340 37898 27 4 c
SI6.58.35 SI6.112.340 41925 58 35 c