Oak Provenances


Provenance : CZE003 - CHUDENICE

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
SI6.32.30 SI6.102.340 38554 32 30 c
SI6.54.22 SI6.113.340 41360 54 22 c
SI6.8.18 SI6.115.340 35584 8 18 c
SI6.13.25 SI6.107.340 36191 13 25 c
SI6.13.29 SI6.107.340 36195 13 29 c
SI6.18.32 SI6.118.340 36816 18 32 c
SI6.12.27 SI6.107.340 36073 12 27 c
SI6.33.30 SI6.102.340 38680 33 30 c
SI6.56.24 SI6.113.340 41638 56 24 c
SI6.60.35 SI6.112.340 42189 60 35 c
SI6.8.15 SI6.115.340 35581 8 15 c
SI6.17.8 SI6.103.340 36672 17 8 c
SI6.56.23 SI6.113.340 41637 56 23 c
SI6.15.7 SI6.103.340 36419 15 7 c
SI6.58.36 SI6.112.340 41926 58 36 c
SI6.6.15 SI6.115.340 35341 6 15 c
SI6.14.9 SI6.103.340 36295 14 9 c
SI6.20.36 SI6.118.340 37060 20 36 c
SI6.29.10 SI6.106.340 38156 29 10 c
SI6.30.25 SI6.102.340 38297 30 25 c