Oak Provenances


Provenance : CZE001 - DOUBRAVA

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC5.46.61 VC5.16.325 3036 46 61 b
VC5.46.62 VC5.16.325 3035 46 62 b
VC5.46.63 VC5.16.325 3034 46 63 b
VC5.46.64 VC5.16.325 3033 46 64 b
VC5.46.65 VC5.16.325 3032 46 65 b
VC5.46.66 VC5.16.325 3031 46 66 b
VC5.45.66 VC5.16.325 3030 45 66 b
VC5.45.65 VC5.16.325 3029 45 65 b
VC5.45.64 VC5.16.325 3028 45 64 b
VC5.45.63 VC5.16.325 3027 45 63 b
VC5.45.62 VC5.16.325 3026 45 62 b
VC5.45.61 VC5.16.325 3025 45 61 b
VC5.60.67 VC5.12.325 2256 60 67 b
VC5.60.68 VC5.12.325 2255 60 68 b
VC5.60.69 VC5.12.325 2254 60 69 b
VC5.60.70 VC5.12.325 2253 60 70 b
VC5.60.71 VC5.12.325 2252 60 71 b
VC5.60.72 VC5.12.325 2251 60 72 b
VC5.59.72 VC5.12.325 2250 59 72 b
VC5.59.71 VC5.12.325 2249 59 71 b