Oak Provenances


Provenance : CZE001 - DOUBRAVA

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC5.6.89 VC5.39.325 7448 6 89 b
VC5.6.90 VC5.39.325 7447 6 90 b
VC5.5.90 VC5.39.325 7446 5 90 b
VC5.5.89 VC5.39.325 7445 5 89 b
VC5.5.88 VC5.39.325 7444 5 88 b
VC5.5.87 VC5.39.325 7443 5 87 b
VC5.5.86 VC5.39.325 7442 5 86 b
VC5.5.85 VC5.39.325 7441 5 85 b
VC5.36.163 VC5.36.325 6912 36 163 c
VC5.36.164 VC5.36.325 6911 36 164 c
VC5.36.165 VC5.36.325 6910 36 165 c
VC5.36.166 VC5.36.325 6909 36 166 c
VC5.36.167 VC5.36.325 6908 36 167 c
VC5.36.168 VC5.36.325 6907 36 168 c
VC5.35.168 VC5.36.325 6906 35 168 c
VC5.35.167 VC5.36.325 6905 35 167 c
VC5.35.166 VC5.36.325 6904 35 166 c
VC5.35.165 VC5.36.325 6903 35 165 c
VC5.35.164 VC5.36.325 6902 35 164 c
VC5.35.163 VC5.36.325 6901 35 163 c