Oak Provenances

Provenance card


Quercus robur

Main features

Code CZE003
Native forest CHUDENICE
Country Czech Republic
Region -
Forest type -
Latitude (WGS84) -
Longitude (WGS84) -
Validated coordinates False
Altitude 435
Altitude min -
Altitude max -
Altitude precision non_precis
Species Quercus robur
Number of lots 2 (click here to see lots)
Number of plots in provenance tests 10 (click here to see plots)
Number of trees in provenance tests 240 (click here to see trees)

Plot characteristics

Plot number (1989) 353 A 5
Plot number (2018) -
Slope of the harvest plot (code) -
Relied of the harvest plot (code) -
Exposure of the harvest plot (code) -
Soil name -
Class depth of soil -
Subsoil name -
Sylvoecoregion code (CODESER) -
Great Ecological Regions code (IGN) -
UC number -
Madsen network No
Code of the region of French provenance (Ducousso 2004) -
Code of the region of French provenance (reference at the time of installation) -
Annual or synthetic climatic data of places of provenances
IKS variable heat demand (period 1960-1990) 2643
IKS cold resistance variable (period 1960-1990) -57.7073822021484
IKS variable of resistance to hydric stress (period 1960-1990) 23.2161998748779
MWMT : Average temperature of the hottest month (period 1960-1990) 16.7999992370605
MCMT : Average temperature of the coldest month (period 1960-1990) -2.90000009536743
Difference between MWMT and MCMT 19.7000007629395
Annual heat/humidity ratio (period 1960-1990) 24
Summer heat/humidity ratio (period 1960-1990) 44.2000007629395
Summer precipitation (May to September) (period 1960-1990) 380
Number of degree-days below 0°C (period 1960-1990) 345
Number of degree-days above 5°C (period 1960-1990) 1743
Number of degree-days below 18°C (period 1960-1990) 3932
Number of degree-days above 18°C (period 1960-1990) 67
Number of annual frost-free days (period 1960-1990) 232
Duration of the frost-free (period 1960-1990) 170
Julian day of start of frost-free period (1960-1990 period) 116
Julian day of end of frost-free period (1960-1990 period) 286
Precipitation in the form of snow (period 1960-1990) 90
Minimum temperature for the whole period (period 1960-1990) -27.3999996185303
ETP Hargreaves (period 1960-1990) 616
Climatic water deficit of Hargreaves (period 1960-1990) 112
Monthly climatic data of places of provenances
Month Monthly precipitation (1960-1990) Average daily maximum temperature for the month (1960-1990) Average daily minimum temperature for the month (1960-1990)
1 54 -0.200000002980232 -5.69999980926514
2 41 1.39999997615814 -5.09999990463257
3 45 6.80000019073486 -1.79999995231628
4 45 12.1999998092651 2.09999990463257
5 69 17.2000007629395 6.30000019073486
6 78 20.7000007629395 9.89999961853027
7 90 22.2000007629395 11.3999996185303
8 81 21.5 10.8999996185303
9 61 18.1000003814697 8
10 50 12.3999996185303 3.79999995231628
11 46 5.59999990463257 -0.100000001490116
12 60 1.60000002384186 -3.5