Oak Provenances

Phenotypic traits

List of phenotypic traits
Trait code Trait description Dispositif code Provenance test code Number of measures
FLX Stem flexuosity SI6 T-FR-017 2062
FLX Straightness FD1 T-GB-004 2700
FLX Straightness SPR1 T-DE-001 1376
FLX Straightness WAL1 T-DE-002 1058
FOR Shape notation SPR1 T-DE-001 6984
FOR Shape notation TOF1 T-DK-003 2451
FOR Shape notation VAL1 T-DK-001 838
FOR Shape notation WAL1 T-DE-002 4951
GALE Presence of oak galls PC1 T-FR-001 5253
GEL Frost Damage SI5 T-FR-016 6174
GEL Frost Damage SI6 T-FR-017 2160
GER Proportion of germinated acorns KO1 T-PL-001 5632
HBM1 Height of insertion of the first main branch SI1 T-FR-004 4659
HBV1 Height of insertion of the lowest living branch PC1 T-FR-001 5211
HBV1 Height of insertion of the lowest living branch VZ1 T-FR-002 4414
HBV1 Height of insertion of the lowest living branch VC1 T-FR-003 4961
HBV1 Height of insertion of the lowest living branch PC2 T-FR-005 9294
HBV1 Height of insertion of the lowest living branch VC2 T-FR-007 7458
HBV1 Height of insertion of the lowest living branch SI2 T-FR-008 7160
HBV1 Height of insertion of the lowest living branch PC4 T-FR-009 14918