Oak Provenances


Dispositif : VZ1 - T-FR-002

Number of trees : 5766

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VZ1.9.9 VZ1.6.5 195 9 9 a
VZ1.9.10 VZ1.6.5 196 9 10 a
VZ1.9.8 VZ1.6.5 194 9 8 a
VZ1.9.7 VZ1.6.5 193 9 7 a
VZ1.9.12 VZ1.6.5 198 9 12 a
VZ1.9.11 VZ1.6.5 197 9 11 a
VZ1.164.78 VZ1.29.36 5760 164 78 a
VZ1.164.77 VZ1.29.36 5759 164 77 a
VZ1.164.76 VZ1.29.36 5758 164 76 a
VZ1.164.75 VZ1.29.36 5757 164 75 a
VZ1.164.74 VZ1.29.36 5756 164 74 a
VZ1.164.73 VZ1.29.36 5755 164 73 a
VZ1.164.72 VZ1.29.33 5754 164 72 a
VZ1.164.71 VZ1.29.33 5753 164 71 a
VZ1.164.70 VZ1.29.33 5752 164 70 a
VZ1.164.69 VZ1.29.33 5751 164 69 a
VZ1.164.68 VZ1.29.33 5750 164 68 a
VZ1.164.67 VZ1.29.33 5749 164 67 a
VZ1.164.66 VZ1.26.18 5748 164 66 a
VZ1.164.65 VZ1.26.18 5747 164 65 a