Oak Provenances


Dispositif : VZ2 - T-FR-006

Number of trees : 11424

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VZ2.136.157 VZ2.38.104 11448 136 157 a
VZ2.136.158 VZ2.38.104 11447 136 158 a
VZ2.136.159 VZ2.38.104 11446 136 159 a
VZ2.136.160 VZ2.38.104 11445 136 160 a
VZ2.136.161 VZ2.38.104 11444 136 161 a
VZ2.136.162 VZ2.38.104 11443 136 162 a
VZ2.135.162 VZ2.38.104 11442 135 162 a
VZ2.135.161 VZ2.38.104 11441 135 161 a
VZ2.135.160 VZ2.38.104 11440 135 160 a
VZ2.135.159 VZ2.38.104 11439 135 159 a
VZ2.135.158 VZ2.38.104 11438 135 158 a
VZ2.135.157 VZ2.38.104 11437 135 157 a
VZ2.134.157 VZ2.38.104 11436 134 157 a
VZ2.134.158 VZ2.38.104 11435 134 158 a
VZ2.134.159 VZ2.38.104 11434 134 159 a
VZ2.134.160 VZ2.38.104 11433 134 160 a
VZ2.134.161 VZ2.38.104 11432 134 161 a
VZ2.134.162 VZ2.38.104 11431 134 162 a
VZ2.133.162 VZ2.38.104 11430 133 162 a
VZ2.133.161 VZ2.38.104 11429 133 161 a