Oak Provenances


Dispositif : VC2 - T-FR-007

Number of trees : 10392

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC2.54.241 VC2.12.47 10392 54 241 a
VC2.54.242 VC2.12.47 10391 54 242 a
VC2.54.243 VC2.12.47 10390 54 243 a
VC2.54.244 VC2.12.47 10389 54 244 a
VC2.54.245 VC2.12.47 10388 54 245 a
VC2.54.246 VC2.12.47 10387 54 246 a
VC2.53.246 VC2.12.47 10386 53 246 a
VC2.53.245 VC2.12.47 10385 53 245 a
VC2.53.244 VC2.12.47 10384 53 244 a
VC2.53.243 VC2.12.47 10383 53 243 a
VC2.53.242 VC2.12.47 10382 53 242 a
VC2.53.241 VC2.12.47 10381 53 241 a
VC2.52.241 VC2.12.47 10380 52 241 a
VC2.52.242 VC2.12.47 10379 52 242 a
VC2.52.243 VC2.12.47 10378 52 243 a
VC2.52.244 VC2.12.47 10377 52 244 a
VC2.52.245 VC2.12.47 10376 52 245 a
VC2.52.246 VC2.12.47 10375 52 246 a
VC2.51.246 VC2.12.47 10374 51 246 a
VC2.51.245 VC2.12.47 10373 51 245 a