Oak Provenances

Provenance test card

WAL1 - T-DE-002



Main features

Code WAL1
Provenance test code T-DE-002
Provenance test code (INRAE) 22.202.29
Site WAL / Walkenried
Latitude -
Longitude -
Plots in provenance test -
Observations -
Slice 1 (1989)


First name Jochen
Address Niedersaechsische forstliche Versuchsanstalt
Forstamstrasse 6

Provenance test features

Number of plots in provenance tests 1 (click here to see plots)
Number of trees in provenance tests 4410 (click here to see trees)
Measures in provenance tests 11 (click here to see all measures)
  - Measure number 1 (1995) Tree height
  - Measure number 2 (1997) Tree height
  - Measure number 3 (1998) Tree height, Shape notation
  - Measure number 4 (2000) Tree height, Shape notation
  - Measure number 5 (2001) Tree height, Shape notation
  - Measure number 6 (2007) Tree height, Shape notation, Diameter at breast height
  - Measure number 7 (2009) Tree height, Shape notation, Diameter at breast height
  - Measure number 8 (2010) Tree height, Shape notation, Diameter at breast height
  - Measure number 9 (2013) Tree height, Diameter at breast height, Leaf abcission, Number of apical buds (apical dominance), Number of forks, Number of resprout, Number of steep branchs (orthotropy of branches), Straightness
  - Measure number 10 (2015) Tree height, Diameter at breast height, Leaf abcission, Number of apical buds (apical dominance), Number of forks, Number of steep branchs (orthotropy of branches), Straightness
  - Measure number 11 (2016) Tree height, Diameter at breast height, Number of apical buds (apical dominance), Leaf abcission, Number of forks, Number of resprout, Number of steep branchs (orthotropy of branches), Straightness