Oak Provenances


Provenance : FRA009 - BERCE

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC2.70.221 VC2.5.42 10052 70 221 a
VC2.70.222 VC2.5.42 10051 70 222 a
VC2.69.222 VC2.5.42 10050 69 222 a
VC2.69.221 VC2.5.42 10049 69 221 a
VC2.69.220 VC2.5.42 10048 69 220 a
VC2.69.219 VC2.5.42 10047 69 219 a
VC2.69.218 VC2.5.42 10046 69 218 a
VC2.69.217 VC2.5.42 10045 69 217 a
VC2.68.217 VC2.5.42 10044 68 217 a
VC2.68.218 VC2.5.42 10043 68 218 a
VC2.68.219 VC2.5.42 10042 68 219 a
VC2.68.220 VC2.5.42 10041 68 220 a
VC2.68.221 VC2.5.42 10040 68 221 a
VC2.68.222 VC2.5.42 10039 68 222 a
VC2.67.222 VC2.5.42 10038 67 222 a
VC2.67.221 VC2.5.42 10037 67 221 a
VC2.67.220 VC2.5.42 10036 67 220 a
VC2.67.219 VC2.5.42 10035 67 219 a
VC2.67.218 VC2.5.42 10034 67 218 a
VC2.67.217 VC2.5.42 10033 67 217 a