Oak Provenances


Provenance : FRA009 - BERCE

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC2.50.199 VC2.9.42 9576 50 199 a
VC2.50.200 VC2.9.42 9575 50 200 a
VC2.50.201 VC2.9.42 9574 50 201 a
VC2.50.202 VC2.9.42 9573 50 202 a
VC2.50.203 VC2.9.42 9572 50 203 a
VC2.50.204 VC2.9.42 9571 50 204 a
VC2.49.204 VC2.9.42 9570 49 204 a
VC2.49.203 VC2.9.42 9569 49 203 a
VC2.49.202 VC2.9.42 9568 49 202 a
VC2.49.201 VC2.9.42 9567 49 201 a
VC2.49.200 VC2.9.42 9566 49 200 a
VC2.49.199 VC2.9.42 9565 49 199 a
VC2.48.199 VC2.9.42 9564 48 199 a
VC2.48.200 VC2.9.42 9563 48 200 a
VC2.48.201 VC2.9.42 9562 48 201 a
VC2.48.202 VC2.9.42 9561 48 202 a
VC2.48.203 VC2.9.42 9560 48 203 a
VC2.48.204 VC2.9.42 9559 48 204 a
VC2.47.204 VC2.9.42 9558 47 204 a
VC2.47.203 VC2.9.42 9557 47 203 a