Oak Provenances


Provenance : FRA009 - BERCE

List of trees
Tree code Plot code Tree number in the provenance test X coordinate of the tree Y coordinate of the tree Tree number in the P.U. Part of the site X2 coordinate of the tree Y2 coordinate of the tree Xm coordinate of the tree Ym coordinate of the tree Xl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93) Yl93 coordinate of the tree (Lambert 93)
VC2.47.202 VC2.9.42 9556 47 202 a
VC2.47.201 VC2.9.42 9555 47 201 a
VC2.47.200 VC2.9.42 9554 47 200 a
VC2.47.199 VC2.9.42 9553 47 199 a
VC2.74.157 VC2.2.42 8208 74 157 a
VC2.74.158 VC2.2.42 8207 74 158 a
VC2.74.159 VC2.2.42 8206 74 159 a
VC2.74.160 VC2.2.42 8205 74 160 a
VC2.74.161 VC2.2.42 8204 74 161 a
VC2.74.162 VC2.2.42 8203 74 162 a
VC2.73.162 VC2.2.42 8202 73 162 a
VC2.73.161 VC2.2.42 8201 73 161 a
VC2.73.160 VC2.2.42 8200 73 160 a
VC2.73.159 VC2.2.42 8199 73 159 a
VC2.73.158 VC2.2.42 8198 73 158 a
VC2.73.157 VC2.2.42 8197 73 157 a
VC2.72.157 VC2.2.42 8196 72 157 a
VC2.72.158 VC2.2.42 8195 72 158 a
VC2.72.159 VC2.2.42 8194 72 159 a
VC2.72.160 VC2.2.42 8193 72 160 a